Monday 30 July 2012

ReImagine Wrexham - Part 2

ReImagine Wrexham would culminate in an evening of live music and interactive art on July 11th .

The live music was supplied by experimental band DRK MTR - the Oriel FB book page describes them as . . ."an experiment with music, art and poetry is the brainchild of 3 north Wales artists. Musician and Producer, Steve Nicholls, Poet, Sophie McKeand and Artist, Andy Garside, are collaborating on this project. Fusing poems of the earth with digitally created sounds and performing them with VJ projections the live shows are not to be missed."

This was again, a really enjoyable experience - DRK MTR were edgy and innovative, and somehow, their material worked incredibly well with the 'feel' of the event . . . and it was fantastic fun to photograph them, and the on-going interactive art that was still taking place .

Yet more fantastic art work had been added

Mikey - still painting

The Band joined in too

By now, my daughter was thoroughly hooked on ReImagine - and enjoyed encouraging others there to join in !

The art work wasn't restricted to the walls!

This was a really great event to be involved with, for several reasons.  It gave me the chance to learn more and add to my photographic skills, I really enjoyed seeing the artwork grow and develop, it was brilliant to be part of something that was appreciated by everyone I spoke to who participated, and again - I met some fantastically creative and genuinely nice people .

Some of the images I provided were published in an Oriel Galley Programme - sadly, they forgot to credit me, but hopefully, I'll be able to get a copy of the programme and scan it to add to this blog at a later date :)

UPDATE :  I have been put in contact with Helen Odunaiya, Senior Performance and Improvement Officer, from Wrexham Council - Ms Odunaiya has emailed me with reference to using some of the ReImagine Images . . . Its really great to know that my photographs are likely to be used in this way, and I'd like to say Thank You to Ms Odunaiya for taking the time to give me the exact details of their use - below is a portion of the e mail she sent, explaining .


"I am interested in using some images of the artwork for the Wrexham Local Service Boards strategic plan from April 2013 to March 2024.  It is a high level strategic plan looking at the future of Wrexham as a place and will be signed off by all the LSB partners, ie Council, BCUHB (hospital), Public Health, Probation, Police, Fire, AVOW, Glyndwr (LSB rep is Paul Whiting) and Yale.  I saw the exhibition and thought the work could be great to represent Wrexham as it comes from local people and is an individual piece of work and will bring our document to life! . . .
In terms of my timeframe the plan needs to be in place for April 2013 and we have to have a 12 week consultation period.  We are currently working hard on the plan with 3 high level themes looking at Quality of life, Economy, and community involvement / safety.  The final document will be printed in paper format and we will also have an electronic version so it will go out far and wide across Wrexham and to all our partners and will exist for many years!
 Thanks very much for your help, the photos are just great."

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