Saturday 20 April 2013


Through Glyndwr University, myself and fellow student, Holly Cooper, recently entered III International Photocross "Speed of Flash"  competition - basically, at 9am on Thursday 11th of April, we were emailed 10 topics, and by 3pm the next day, we had to produce an image for each topic.  The rules were simple - we were to interpret the topics as we pleased - and no editing was allowed!

That last bit really got to me - like most photographers, most of the images I produce end up being tweaked in photoshop, even if its just a crop, or adjusting levels or a bit of cloning - so this was a challenge.

More of a challenge when we got the topics, though !

1) Stylish University
2) More than just sport
3) The Magic of Theatre
4) Smiles of out city
5) Flame of Spring
6) Love Formula
7) Evolution of a student
8)Space near us
9) The Job of my Dream
10)Future starts today!

It added to the fun that Holly and I had organised to do a shoot on the Thursday, anyway, with Holly as my model, working on a fantasy theme, with Sam Raybould, MUA - but, we decided to go for it, and actually - the fantasy shoot provided us with our first of the images we took 'The Magic of Theatre'.  Holly and I had registered ourselves as 'The Swans' - in honour of this shoot!

It was a hectic two days with Holly and I hitting several locations from the University to the near by Lager club, from a busy roundabout to Llangollen and the Horseshoe Pass, to get our images - but by 2.45pm the next day, we uploaded the last of the images .

1 Stylish University
For this, we simply made use of the display set up in the Regent Street Foyer

2 More than Just sport

This was the last image we took - we were hoping for motor bikes, but for once, there was a complete lack of them on the Horseshoe pass!

3 The Magic of Theatre

Doing a shoot that involved theatrical make up was a real God Send!

4 Smiles of out City (we think this was a typo, and it should be smiles of OUR City)

Thank you Ryan, for being our model :)

5. Flame of Spring

I spotted these flowers in the middle of a busy roundabout, and felt they were a really good interpretation of the title

6 Love Formula

My Daughter, cuddling our old dog - there is certainly a lot of love there!

7. Evolution of a Student

Using a long exposure and second curtain on the flash, we eventually managed to get this one.

8. Space Near Us

We decided to interpret this as a landscape - we are luck that we are spoilt for beautiful scenes, quite near us

9. The Job of My Dreams

A little tongue in cheek - but surely a lot of peoples dream job involves having lots of cash offered!

10. Future Starts Today

Yep - we mocked this up - pleased to announce that Juliet later gave birth to a bouncing baby coat!

It was an incredibly challenging and interesting competition to take part in. We initially struggled for idea's for several of the topics, and knowing that we couldn't edit in any way at all certainly forced us to be very careful about actually shooting the images, which is no bad thing, I guess.

All in all, it was an enjoyable and fun competition, that got us thinking fast and pushed us out of our comfort zone - very glad we did it :)


  1. My cheeks are so rosey !! You did so well on this Sue :)

  2. Thanks Beckah - from what I can see, so did you and Ju :)

    What's the phrase? Oh Yeah - 'Banging Mint' :)

  3. Love 'Evolution of a Student' - Holly must have moved like lightning - is she related to Wonder Woman??

  4. Lol - that would have been better if we could have got in the studio :D Was fun to work out though :)
