Monday 16 May 2011

The Final Module: Typologies

The term 'Typologies' was completely new to me, and I looked at several examples from the sites given on the brief, and other sites, before I even started to take any photographs.

(images obtained from google)

I also spoke to Stewart and established that what was wanted was a series of photographs where the subject occupied the same space within in each frame, and so any differences were within the objects themselves, not in the view of the object within the picture.

When I did start to take the images, It was after I had spent several sessions in the studio, playing with the different lighting and back drops possible, and initially, I decided to take the photographs for this project also within the studio setting, settling on shoes as my 'subject'. The first few shots were taken with quite low key lighting, against a black background - but I found these quite boring to look at.

After talking with Colin, I realised that one piece of equipment I hadn't yet used was the light tent, so with Colin's help, I took a selection of high heeled shoes belonging to my daughter and myself, and I set up the light tent to try some shots.

I took a photograph of each shoe from several different angles, replicated for each shoe -

I quite liked a lot of these images, but at the same time as doing these, I was also working on yet another unit, 'Still Life', and had spent a lot of time in the studio doing a section on 'Stock', and I began to think that I would actually quite like to do some work outside of the studio, for a change. As the Still life work was something I was pleased with the development of, out of the two units,  I felt I'd like to move 'Typologies' out of the studio.

 So for several weeks I put this unit on the back burner, till inspiration for a different theme struck. This came when an improvement in the weather allowed me to get out into the garden - although it was late March, I found myself noticing just how many flowers I had already in bloom in my garden. which is admittedly, sunken and very sheltered. I have always liked photographing flowers, and especially, macro shots that capture the detail of the petals and  'heart' of the flower. So, I decided to combine this with the 'Typology' unit, and took a lot of pictures of not only the flowers in my garden, but flowers on several walks I took over the following few days.

Eventually, I decided to stick with the flowers - and weeds - that I found in my own garden, and put the photographs together into poster form using picasa .

The difference in the variety of flowers, in their colours and form seemed to me to be emphasized by this way of presenting them. I made sure the photographs were placed with equal distances from each other, that the depths/widths of border matched, as I felt that this complimented the idea of 'occupying the same space'.  I liked the detail, and how it varied from image to image, and was happy with the way the finished piece seemed to fit what was required from the brief.

Next: The Final Module: Street Photography.

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